University of Pennsylvania


This one-day program will focus on contemporary methods of interdisciplinary treatment for the management of simple and complex implant-based rehabilitation. These presentations will be followed by a point-counterpoint discussion to provide participants with multiple perspectives on a variety of clinical scenarios. In this unique format, participants will hear from experienced clinicians in academics and clinical practice on timely topics in the field of implant and reconstructive therapies. As there is often more than one equally correct approach to treatment, the many facets of specific issues will be demonstrated in this educational format.


  • At the completion of the program, participants should be able to:
  • Describe contemporary methods of management of extraction sites and alveolar ridge preservation protocols.
  • Understand the importance of following a digital workflow when tooth transplantation is indicated.
  • Describe contemporary methods of management of alveolar ridge deficiencies and how these methods can affect long-term success.
  • Understand key characteristics of oral wound healing and the impact of systemic diseases in treatment outcomes.
  • Comprehend the advantages and limitations of digital workflows in surgical and restorative implant dentistry.
  • Describe contemporary methods for the management of the deficient posterior maxilla and the role of orthodontic treatment in implant dentistry.

Certification: 7 CE Credits/Lecture Hours

Virtual Program: 29USD

Information and registration:

Event Summary

Registrace on-line



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